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WorkshopProgram Description
Event Details
Join us for the third in a series of financial literacy workshops hosted by Penn Community Bank. This session will cover common fraud and deception tactics, focusing on debit card fraud and electronic banking scams. Participants will learn about identity theft, phishing, scams (including travel scams), and the risks associated with social networking sites. The workshop will also provide tips on how to protect against identity theft. Event is only accesible by stairs.
Esta sesión cubrirá tácticas comunes de fraude y engaño, centrándose en el fraude con tarjetas de débito y las estafas de banca electrónica. Los participantes aprenderán sobre el robo de identidad, el phishing, las estafas (incluidas las de viajes) y los riesgos asociados con los sitios de redes sociales. El taller también brindará consejos sobre cómo protegerse contra el robo de identidad.
The library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the library.